This occasion occurred on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, September 24-26, 2010. On Friday night students who attended
ACC on the old Ann Street campus during the years of 1940’s, 50s & 60s met in the Faulkner University Cafeteria for a delicious meal and fine fellowship. We also sang for a few minutes. It was a most enjoyable time as we visited with friends from ages past. Of course it was sad to listen to the long list of names of our brothers and sisters who had died since the last reunion two years ago. I personally thought everyone looked good considering the mileage we all had accumulated over the decades of years. I believe the oldest person present was L.E.
Wishum, age 87, and he is still teaching and preaching! Some in the picture below were students in Jr. High School while most were in college during the 1940s (beginning in 1942).

In this group picture there are four couples who have been friends since 1948 (62 years) and have been married for 62 years, making a total of 248 years!!
Isn’t that wonderful! They are: JAMES &
STIDHAM. I don’t’ know exactly why Charles (last on the right) and Ruth (5
th from Charles’s left) were separated when this picture was taken but I can imagine Charles had been busy talking with someone and just got in the picture in time. The four gentlemen have been teaching and/or preaching the Word of God for the past 62 years!

This picture is of the former students (and teachers) who were on the campus of
ACC in the 1950s. You will observe that some individuals were also in the first picture. It was very difficult to get everyone in the picture and even then it was hard to get everyone to stop talking. You see, we were all having such a grand time together. I do think we all felt good to be alive and able to visit with one another. (Bill Beck was present, but not in this photograph.)

Here is the entire graduating class of 1958 in the four year program of biblical studies at Alabama Christian College. From left to right are: ROGER DILL; TURNER
WILLISTON AND RAYMOND ELLIOTT (a smile would have helped). Roger, Turner and I have been in ‘full time’ work in preaching since we graduated (Roger actually got a head start
on us but then he is older-yes, I am smiling as I type this).

On Saturday we met at the beautiful home of JESSE & PATRICIA RUSSELL in the Pike Road Community for breakfast and lunch. Several provided various items for all to enjoy eating.
There were some who remained until Sunday when we gathered at the Panama Street congregation in Montgomery for Bible classes and worship. I was privileged to speak during the first assembly and Roger Dill at the worship assembly. We also ate together in the fellowship
hall afterwards. We are thankful to the brethren of the Panama Street congregation in allowing us to speak and to use their facilities. Now it is time to say goodbye for the present.
God be with you till we meet again;
By His Counsels guide you, uphold you,
with His sheep securely fold you;
God be with you till we meet again
Till we meet till we meet,
Till we meet at Jesus’ feet
Till we meet, till we meet,
God be with you till we meet again.
~ W.G. Tomer
I enjoyed your page re Alabama Christian College. I went to first grade there in 1952. I've lived in California since 1973 and haven't driven by the old campus since I was a child. I was searching the internet today to try to find a picture of the school, and I came across your page. I was thinking that the school may have been on Ann Street, and your page confirmed that. I'm wondering what is at that location now. Has everything been torn down? Do you have any pictures of the school in the 1950s?
My father attended Barnes School as a boy, and I think there is a connection with Alabama Christian College. Possibly they were both founded by the same man.
Thanks for the memories,
Marcia McCallister Hoppy
Hello Marcia, It is good to hear from you. I attended the MBC/ACC the first time during the years of 1948-51,8th-10th grades. Went back home and returned in 1953 as a freshman in college. Go back to the older blogs and you will find pictures of the 2 buildings still standing on the old campus. Country's Bar-B-Que is now about where the Administration building once stood. There are many business that now exist on part of the old campus and where brother Rex Turner,Sr. house once stood. He and Leonard Johnson were the co-founders of the school, along with Joe Greer. Raymond Elliott
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