The Location

Virginia and I were having lunch at Country’s Barbecue located on 2610 Zelda Road in Montgomery when I asked the young lady who was our server if she knew that there had been a college on this very location in years past. Of course her answer was “no”. She was very surprised to learn that many years ago this present acreage was occupied by Montgomery Bible School/College that became Alabama Christian College. Country’s Barbecue is actually bordered by Zelda Road, Ann Street and East Ann Street. The administration building almost stood where this business in now located. Except for former students and people who saw and knew the exact location of the old MBC and ACC, present day citizens cannot imagine how the campus appeared during those years, 1942-1965. There are two original buildings remaining where the old campus was on East Ann Street. They are the classroom building for the college and high school students and the elementary school building. I helped to dig the foundation for the classroom building and I remember when the large concrete trucks came and began to deposit all that concrete and we had to keep it moving in the trenches with our shovels. Several years ago a gentleman bought the classroom building and renovated it for an apartment complex.
(Elementary school building on old campus)

(Old buildings that were ACC classroom buildings)

I have a couple of books that were given to me from Roy Balkcom when I was in the 8th or 9th grade. The address written in both books was 914 Ann Street. Later the address for the college became 1469 Ann Street. East of Ann Street was only pastures. Of course there was Dalraida out the Atlanta Highway and some residents out Carter Hill Road along with the Masonic Home, but generally speaking Ann Street was the outer limits in east Montgomery. While I will be writing my memories that began when I was only thirteen years old back in 1948, I am opening this blog for all alumni of the school/college who attended classes during the years 1942-1965.

You can email me at or better still, and I will include your memories. While this blog will not deal specifically with the history of the college, our memories compiled will become a history of happenings on the old campus. Do not make your memory too long because you can send another one from time to time. Be sure to give your memory a title and include your name and the year(s) you attended MBC/ACC on the Ann Street campus. Also spread the word about Ann Street Memories to others. It will be good for us ‘old folk’ to keep in touch with one another. Let me hear from you. You should become a ‘Follower’ of this blog so you can send in your comments. I will appreciate it very much.


Nancy Hood said...

I look forward to hearing stories of 'those' days!

Anonymous said...

I visited the campus on Ann Street in 1962 during the lectures. I was in the US Air Force and stationed at Columbus AFB, Mississippi. I was also at the ground-breaking for the new location on Atlanta Higway. When I retired I attended ACC three quarters (1968-69)to earn the AA degree then transferred to Huntingdon College for the BS degree and then to Auburn Univesity for the Master's degree.

Danna Myers Cofer said...

I started elementary school in 1956 when I in first grade and continued in school on the Ann Street campus until we moved to the new campus when I was in the tenth grade. I went on to graduate there in 1968. I have so many memories of that campus from the first grade when my friend Nancy and I got to go out and swing because we were the only ones not crying to listening to the radio tell of the assasination of JFK while on the old red clay volley ball court. I remember going out to play with our dolls we brought to school on the field across from the hs building. I could go on and on, but I will wait for another time. Danna Myers Cofer, Searcy, Arkansas